And the sun rises on Zeus Thaber…

Posted: July 25th, 2009 | Author: | Filed under: Update | Tags: , , | Comments Off on And the sun rises on Zeus Thaber…

Hello Interwebs.

The migration might be incomplete from the old bloog*, but I’d say that the set up for Zeus Thaber is progressing pretty well.

(I’ll give a complete rundown on the origin of the awesome name choice later)

Anywho, a few notes:

I am still in Los Angeles, for the usual round of  grad school. (and delicious, delicious mexican food)
I will return to Japan on August 1st.

And finally,

I will write all about my exotic trip to the Northern Americas. (at a later date)

Until then, wish me luck.

(*Old English spelling of blog, pronounced blew-guh)