Words have multiple meanings.
Posted: December 7th, 2009 | Author: Zeus Thaber | Filed under: Heh | Comments Off on Words have multiple meanings.Hate the game, not the playa.
playa |ˈplaɪə|
• an area of flat, dried-up land, esp. a desert basin from which water evaporates quickly.
ORIGIN mid 19th cent.: from Spanish, literally ‘beach,’ from late Latin plagia.
game  |geɪm|
wild mammals or birds hunted for sport or food.
• the flesh of these mammals or birds, used as food.
ORIGIN Old English gamen [amusement, fun,] gamenian [play, amuse oneself,] of Germanic
Just sayin.
Hate the game, not the playa.
playa |ˈplaɪə|
• an area of flat, dried-up land, esp. a desert basin from which water evaporates quickly.
ORIGIN mid 19th cent.: from Spanish, literally ‘beach,’ from late Latin plagia.
game  |geɪm|
wild mammals or birds hunted for sport or food.
• the flesh of these mammals or birds, used as food.
ORIGIN Old English gamen [amusement, fun,] gamenian [play, amuse oneself,] of Germanic
Just sayin.